Easy Cucina Tip: Grow Your Own Fresh Herbs!

For years, I used dried herbs when I cooked. After watching many cooking shows I decided to begin to use fresh herbs whenever I could. The fresh herbs made such a difference – not just to the flavor of the food but also to the aroma and texture of my dishes, too. But buying fresh herbs gets expensive. And it’s difficult to keep a fresh supply on hand.

So, I decided to start to grow my own fresh herbs. Luckily for me, herbs tend to grow like weeds! A few small starter plants, some potting soil and I was off to the races.

The first year, I tried growing them in a deck box. That worked okay, but since then, I’ve had much better luck using containers.

Having the plants in pots brings extra color to my deck, too.

And it allows me to bring the herbs in from the cold or extreme weather when necessary.

Fresh herbs require lots of water. So it will take a bit of time nearly every day to keep them healthy. But the payoff is terrific.

Your cooking will be that much better, and you’ll save money, too. And you’ll avoid many trips to the grocery store to pick up that one herb you need!

Extra tip: We’re lucky enough to have a sprinkler system at our home. So when we go on vacation, I relocate the pots down to the backyard where they get watered a few times a week.

Fresh Herbs Growing On The Deck