Welcome To Easy Cucina!

Sharing healthy home cooked meals with those you love doesn’t have to be complicated.

All it takes is some organization, trusted recipes, practical menus and wholesome ingredients. I’ve been feeding large groups for a long time, and I’ll be using this blog to share with you some of the secrets I’ve picked up along the way.

I’ll provide you all the tools you need to keep entertaining simple, including suggested meal plans, proven, easy, make-ahead recipes, and shopping lists, for both special holidays and for everyday gatherings with friends and family.

Armed with these helpful guides, you’ll feel your confidence grow and before you know it, you’ll be putting together bountiful feasts without breaking a sweat!

I’m looking forward to sharing more of my experiences with you and also welcome your ideas and suggestions.

If you have a recipe you would like to share, or a question you would like me to answer, please email me at myeasycucina@gmail.com!

Thank you and Buon Appetito!


Joan Senio, Founder, Author, and Feeder of Large Groups

Easy Cucina (“Easy Kitchen”)